Internships in Denmark
Denmark: the Country
Denmark is a nordic country and a European Union member. It is considered one of the most economically and socially developed countries over the world. Denmark also can be proud of the countries with best health and education system, and a very wealthy economy. Average GDP per capita in Denmark raises up to 59,300 US, and adjusted to purchase power based on local living cost, still being a wonderful figure of 49,900 USD equivalents. So yes, Good news, Denmark is a rich country with high paid jobs. Climate is cold, but not extreme. In summer the average temperature could be around 15°C, and the rest of the year is between 9°C and 2°C. Related the currency remember danish people use the danish krone(DKK) not Euro, 1 DKK = aprox 0,12 EUR.
Economic Sectors in Denmark
Denmark has a mixed economy (public owned and private companies) based on services and manufacturing. It relies heavily on high trained human resources , but also they have a few significant and valuable natural resources available, such as oil and gas wells in the North Sea.
Danish Companies
Esbjerg is Denmark’s main city involved in oil and gas industry, this is because of its ideal location close to the North Sea, where most of Denmark’s oil and gas deposits are found. Companies like Maersk Oil, Ramboll, Stimwell Services, ABB, Schlumberger, COWI and Atkins all have offshore related activities in the city. Main Danish Companies by sector are as follow:
Agricultural: Arla Foods, Dansk Landbrugs Grovvareselskab, Danish Crown,
Banking: Danske Bank, Jyske Bank, Nordea, Saxo bank, Sydbank,
Clothing and attire: ECCO, Bestseller
Construction: FLSmidth, Rockwool, Velux, etc.
Energy technology: Vestas, Siemens Wind Power, Danfoss, Grundfos, NKT Cables Group A/S.
Food and drink: Carlsberg, Daloon A/S, Chr. Hansen, Danisco, etc.
Medical equipment: ReSound, Widex, William Demant, etc.
Pharmaceutical and biotechnology: H. Lundbeck, Novo Nordisk, LEO Pharma, Coloplast, Dansac , Novozymes, Pharma Nord, Pharmacosmos, ALK-Abelló, Genmab, RosePharma, Santaris, Pharma a/s, Veloxis Pharmaceuticals, etc.
Retail: Dansk Supermarked Group, Coop Danmark, etc.
Transport: A. P. Moller-Maersk Group, USTC (conglomerate: shipping, trading), etc.
Miscellaneous: ISS (facility services), Kopenhagen Fur (world’s largest fur skin auction company), Lego (construction toys, Bang & Olufsen (hi-fi equipment).
It´s incredible the whole constellation of top companies that exist in a country with just 5.8 million inhabitants. Probably Denmark is the best place we can recommend you for an internship, or to find a job.
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Hi am a 3 year college student in Ghana and i want to intern in Denmark this semester. I would like to know the procedures involved in order for me to intern in Denmark.